The Complex eagerly anticipates the launch of 'Portico' when the Ground Floor Gallery reopens its doors this Friday following the lifting of government restrictions.
'Portico', an exhibition of new work by Tanad Aaron and Mark Swords will be launched from 4pm-8:30pm on Friday 14th May. Booking is not necessary; a max of 6 people will be allowed into the gallery at a time and masks are essential. Read the exhibition press release here.

Mark Swords and Tanad Aaron in The Ground Floor Gallery
To accompany this exhibition, an assemblage of texts and images was created from the artists 'back-and-forth' conversations in preparation for the show. There will be an online programme of scheduled events, featuring a conversation between the artists, a video walk through and audio description of the exhibition, musical performances/practices, and audio essays. The online programme is a means by which to communicate the exhibition to a digital audience.
Both artists have invited Austin Hearne and Glenn McQuaid as Satin Shadow, Michelle Doyle as Rising Damp and Kirkos Ensemble to respond musically to the exhibition. In this context the exhibition acts as a space which supports further collaboration to develop. The engagement programme mirrors the sentiments which brought this exhibition to fruition; exploring collaboration as a means of exchange and the infrastructure of the exhibition as a stage.
Check out our social media pages for updates on the online programme, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.