Exhibition building has been underway for The TU Dublin Graduate Fine Art exhibition 'Waystation' for the past few days and we're finally ready for tomorrow night's preview of the five-artist collaborative show!
In the meantime, we thought we'd offer you a sneak peek at a zine the artists have created to accompany the exhibition.

To develop the zine, the students organised a roundtable discussion talking about 'waystation' the term, and how it relates to the exhibition at large.
They discussed the threads that connect their work - contextualising them all as a group. This discussion was then transcribed by the students into text and features in the zine.

The rest of the zine is made up of 'Interlude' pages which are collaborative; they feature themes that are present within all of their practices. These sections emphasise the collaborative nature of the exhibition as a whole.

The zine is a limited-run print with just 100 copies created for the exhibition. Come down to the Gallery tomorrow night from 6pm to see the incredible work these artists have made together.
Tomorrow's event is kindly sponsored by Whiplash Beer, who will provide refreshments on the night.