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I Am Dynamite
I Am Dynamite

Sat, 22 Sept


The Complex

I Am Dynamite

If concepts of free speech and free thinking have been coopted by conservatives, how should artists and liberals reclaim these for themselves?


22 Sept 2018, 13:00 – 23 Sept 2018, 18:00

The Complex, 15 Little Green St, Smithfield, Dublin 7, D07 T3HK, Ireland


Curated by Roisin Agnew

Event Times: 22nd-23rd September 2018 from 13:00-18:00

Tickets: €18 one day ticket / €30 two day ticket

Disagreement and difference were once the territory of the artist and agitator, but as we live in increasingly troubled times there’s an onus on art and debate not to offend. If concepts of free speech and free thinking have been coopted by conservatives​, how should artists and ​liberals​ reclaim these for themselves? Across two days of talks, performances, and ​gigs​, I Am Dynamite will look at the importance of dissent in culture creation and public discourse​.​ This event will provide a space for original and incendiary ideas that celebrate the fact that we’re all free to disagree​. And hopefully we don’t come across sounding like edgelords in the process.

With talks from Angela Nagle, Jessa Crispin, Kitty Holland, Seamas O’Reilly, Gary Gannon, Roisin Kiberd, Roisin Agnew, ​Rosa Abbott. Performances by Jesse Presley Jones, Office for Joint Administrative Intelligence (Gary Farrelly and Chris Dreier), and Spicebag.

​All-female filmmakers horror screening.​

AV show ​featuring​ Rob Mirolo and Algorithm. Much m​ore to be announced.​

This venue has limited wheelchair accessibility, please contact our box office prior to booking.


Arts Council Ireland
Dublin City Council

The Complex is proudly supported by the Arts Council, An Chomhairle Ealaíon, and Dublin City Council.

Registered Charity No. CHY 20072674


The Gallery @ The Complex  21-25 Arran St E, Dublin 7, D07 YY97

The Depot @ The Complex 12 Mary's Abbey, Dublin 7, D07 XR70


© Copyright 2024 The Complex 

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