‘The Complex’ will be a new open plan live arts space in Smithfield Square for theatre, run by a group of professional theatre artists who have seized an opportunity that will benefit Smithfield, a part of Dublin that is fast deteriorating.
In the last six months, the majority of hotels and bars in the area have closed and the plaza is empty except for the humming of the youth courts. Last February the group produced a new play called 'Complexity' in this prominent space overlooking the Square. It became a cult show and brought life to the area that combined theatre-going people with local residents, with whom they had been working over the last five years through outreach programmes.
This part of Dublin has the highest density of mixed cultures amongst its people and yearns for a focal point that in some way celebrates the variety of people's backgrounds. There is no better catalyst than a theatre and with this in mind, an approach was made to the owner who has extended their stay indefinitely.
Many local businesses have donated services and gifts to 'The Complex' but the cost of equipment for the basic infrastructure to get it up and running cannot be avoided. Capital funding for the arts is currently frozen. This is an empowering enterprise where artists are changing the fate of building development, something that would never have existed before the crash. Just one night will get it started.